
Treatment Centers by City

  • Alliance Institute for the
  • Alliance Institute for the
    is located at 501 West Peterson Road Libertyville, IL. 60048 and can be contacted by calling 847-680-3828. Alliance Institute for the offers treatment services for Prescription Drug Abuse, Illicit Drug Addiction and Alcoholism

    Treatment Services Offered: Alcohol Addiction Treatment, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Services for Young Adults, Dual Diagnosis, AIDS/HIV Clients, Lesbian and Gay, Over 50, Expectant Mothers, Women, Men, Court Appointed Client Services
    Payment Options: Medicare Assistance, Insurance - Private Pay, Self Pay

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  • Among the factors that influence blood alcohol levels (BAC's) after a fixed number of standard sized drinks are gender, body weight, and the amount of food in the stomach; other factors include the rate of drinking, the presence of other drugs that can affect alcohol metabolism, and the overall health of the individual.
  • Young adults are particularly likely to binge drink and to suffer repeatedly from withdrawal from alcohol. This repeated withdrawal may be a key reason for alcohol�''s harmful effects on the brain.
  • What Is a Drink? A drink can come in many forms. It can be a shot of hard liquor or a mixed drink containing vodka, rum, tequila, gin, scotch, or some other liquor. It can also be wine, a wine cooler, beer, or malt liquor.
  • How do I know if its okay to drink? The current Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that if you choose to drink alcoholic beverages, do not exceed 1 drink per day for women or 2 drinks per day for men. According to the guidelines, people who should not drink alcoholic beverages at all include the following: Children and adolescents Individuals of any age who cannot limit their drinking to low level Women who may become pregnant or who are pregnant Individuals who plan to drive, operate machinery, or take part in other activities that require attention, skill, or coordination Individuals taking prescription or over-the-counter medications that can interact with alcohol Individuals with certain medical conditions Persons recovering from alcoholism

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